Mergers and acquisitions, commercial and corporate law for over 25 years
Lecturer at the Master's degree II (Institute of Economic and Business Law) at the Lyon III University

From the outset, Frédérique Kessel’s career has focused on business law, with clients ranging in size from micro-businesses to listed companies in the service, commercial and industrial sectors. Every year, she assists a number of her clients with their plans for external growth or the sale of their businesses.
As part of this work, she takes part in carrying out data rooms and legal audits, assisting her clients in negotiating and completing acquisition or sale transactions, and drafting all the resulting legal documentation.
It also assists its clients in their relations with their (current or future) financial partners, both financial institutions and investors, and participates in the drafting of all the legal documentation binding them to the latter.
She also advises her clients throughout the year on their internal restructuring projects, investments and intergenerational transfers, as well as on the conclusion of all commercial contracts and leases, and on their legal secretarial work.
In particular, she assists her clients with meetings of the Board of Directors and General Meetings (invitations to attend, management of attendance and powers of attorney, attendance at meetings and drafting of minutes).
She has expertise in the legal secretarial work of semi-public companies.

- 1994-1995 : CESMA-MBA E.M. Lyon. Finance major.
- 1992 : Postgraduate degree (DEA) in Business Law, University of Lyon III. Honours A.B.
- 1991 : University Diploma in International Trade Law.
- 1991 : Master’s degree in Business Law, University of Lyon III. Honours A.B.