"Work is health... But what is the point of occupational health?" Pierre Dac

A member of the Nice Bar since 2000, Cyril Borgnat joined Alister in 2023.
With over twenty years’ experience in employment law in law firms, he works in the firm’s Employment Law department.
He advises and litigates on all issues concerning individual and collective labor relations.
He has been an active member of the Association des Avocats Praticiens en Droit Social des Alpes-Maritimes (A.A.P.D.S) since 2008.
His areas of expertise :
Labor law – Social security law – Procedures

Training :
– Master 2 ” Business law and taxation “ – Institute of Business Law and Economics (IDEA), Lyon III University
-D.E.S.S. “Labor relations law” – Social Law Institute – Faculty of Law, University of the South – Toulon – Var