Alliage capital

Identify resources and extract raw materials

Alister Avocats,
artisan of the alliance between shareholders and employees

Alister Avocats has developed specific expertise in assisting companies wishing to involve their employees in their share capital and thus strengthen cohesion and support for the company's project.

Employee share ownership
a performance lever

Employee share ownership is a lever for aligning the interests of employees, shareholders and management, and for improving corporate performance.


With this in mind, Alister Avocats assists its clients in setting individual or collective performance objectives, rewarded by the granting of privileged shares.

Employee share ownership
the making of a new form of governance

Setting up a management company makes it possible to institute progressive and collective shareholding schemes for management staff, in return for their investment in the company’s project.


The management company can also be the crucible for a genuine overhaul of the company’s governance and preparation for its transfer, in line with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.

From complexity
Of reality
To the evidence of our solutions

Our expertise,
dedicated to your success

With these objectives in mind, Alister Avocats has developed technical expertise in legal, tax and social engineering to make your employee share ownership operations a success.


This expertise makes it possible to anticipate and secure the course of operations and to implement solutions tailored to the needs and objectives of companies.

1- Legal, tax and social engineering to determine the stakes and consequences of an employee share ownership plan

2- Choosing the optimum shareholder process

- Issuance of share subscription warrants (BSA, BSPCE);
- Issuance of stock options;
- Allocation of bonus shares;
- Preference shares;
- Company savings plan.

3- Support and negotiation

- Presentation of the chosen system(s) to stakeholders;
- Negotiations with employee representative bodies;
- Liaison and coordination (supervisory authorities, social and economic committee, banking institutions, investment funds, etc.).

4- Drawing up a long-term development plan

- Establishment of specifications;
- Implementation of an operational timetable;
- Social pact adapted to the challenges of employee shareholding;
- Drafting of legal documentation.

Team Member

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