Due to :
- the numerous texts (laws, ordinances, decrees, and internet communiqués…) produced during the containment period,
- the numerous on-site inspections carried out by the Labour Inspectorate at the request of the Direction Générale du Travail, which resulted in the issuing of formal notices requiring employers to comply with health regulations and preventive measures, under penalty of a penalty notice and referral to the Public Prosecutor’s Office,
- summary proceedings (emergency proceedings) have already been brought before the courts, and fines have been imposed to ensure compliance, with the risk of the company’s business being shut down,
- announced interventions in food retail outlets, establishments open to the public or on building sites, in the presence of the police and the fraud control authorities,
Care must be taken in the gradual return to a life that you hope will be normal, by taking the appropriate initiatives to ensure a “good” decontamination.
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